Prof. Marie Rosencrantz
Adjunct Associate Professor, HKUST Business School
Professor Marie Rosencrantz has 19 years of experience in management consulting, development / sustainable finance and diplomacy. Through Rosencrantz & Co, the consulting firm that she founded in 2009, Marie manages consulting engagements for investment clients and development organizations. Her clients include leading global private equity and impact investment firms and organizations, as well as the UK, Swedish, Swiss and Belgian development finance institutions.
Marie was a consultant with McKinsey and was the head of the Italy office of the Swedish Trade Council. Marie helped launch the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which currently mobilizes and invests nearly US$ 4 billion / year to support programs in more than 140 countries. She was employed with the World Bank Group, working at the World Bank’s headquarters in Washington D.C., and worked for the World Bank in Morocco and Indonesia as a Stanford Fellow.
Marie also worked as a diplomat with the Swedish Foreign Service. Marie represented Sweden to the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and was responsible for the economic and commercial sections of the Swedish embassies to Colombia and Italy. Before starting her own consulting business, Marie was employed with the UK development finance institution CDC Group plc. as Socially Responsible Investment Manager. CDC became the first client of Rosencrantz & Co as Marie launched her own consulting business. Her firm, Rosencrantz & Co, helped CDC develop its widely used Toolkit on Environmental, Social and Governance matters (ESG) and to roll out a training program on ESG for CDC’s fund managers across the emerging markets.
Marie currently serves as a member of the Hong Kong Board and the Board Program Committee of EMpower, the emerging markets foundation. She was previously a Board member with Charity Rating. Marie is a network partner with the global consulting group Hystra, which works in partnership with Ashoka to promote and expand the work of successful social entrepreneurs.
Marie has an Economics B.A. degree from Stanford University, a M.Sc. degree in Development Studies from the London School of Economics and a MBA from Insead.

Prof. Elsie Tsui
Adjunct Associate Professor, CUHK Business School
Professor Elsie Tsui is the Project Director of the Center of Entrepreneurship. She has extensive experience as both a corporate executive and a management consultant. Prior to setting up her consulting business, she has worked for the Asia office of !What If? Innovation Partner, a leading innovation consultancy, based in Shanghai. Specialising in innovation management, innovation capability building and organisation transformation, she has led many high impact training and workshops for the leaders from Fortune 500 companies across Europe and Asia. She has also adopted business innovation methodology to support social innovation in the non-profit sector.
Before starting her consulting career, Elsie has worked for Coca-Cola China for 8 years. As the deputy head of the Public Affairs & Communications function, Elsie has led a cross-regional team of 14 people, covering Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China. She was also instrumental in setting up an in-house training and mentoring project called the PAC Institute for her team and the business partners.
With the passion in teaching, Elsie used to teach the Innovation and Change Management module, a part of post-graduate diploma programme for the Institute of China Business, Hong Kong University SPACE.
Elsie majored in Sociology and minored in Journalism & Communications at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and graduated with the first class honours. She also holds a MBA from the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK. She is now pursuing her DBA at Grenoble School of Management researching about the collaboration networks of social enterprises in Hong Kong, using the social network analysis methodology.
Elsie was born in Thailand and grew up in Hong Kong. She has worked in Hong Kong, Shanghai and the UK, and speaks fluent English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Thai.

Dr. Archimedes David Guerra
Lecturer, Department of Marketing, HKBU
Dr. Archimedes David Guerra teaches a variety of courses in Marketing and Entrepreneurship for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students and is heavily involved in designing courses related to Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship. His work in Internationalisation of Teaching and Learning includes developing international case studies in Social Entrepreneurship, managing cross-cultural student groups in his Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Entrepreneurship classes, and supervising teams as they prepare for international case competitions.